Sunday, 2 October 2016

IPhone Lunches In More Countries

The iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus which Apple announced last month have already gone through a lot which means that at the moment they are available to buy in a pretty large number of countries.
However, that doesn't mean there aren't still places where you can't purchase one officially.

Apple's latest smartphones will in fact spread to more territories in October.

First of all, on October 7 they will arrive in India.
One week later, they will be out in South Africa, Macao, Macedonia, Malaysia, Montenegro, and Turkey.
Then on October 21, the iPhone 7 duo should also make it to Samsung's home turf, South Korea.
This last date is the only one that hasn't been confirmed yet, so it might still change of course.

If the IPhone 7 and IPhone 7+ hasn't gotten to your country. Keep it cool. Its going to reach there soon.

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